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CSS Framework
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The cyber security toolbox was my final project for the cyber security class at the university. While I was competing in capture the flag(CTF) events with the cyber security club, I found that commands and tools were reused a lot. I spent more time trying to find a command than solving the problem. So I built a website that allowed me to add tools to my toolbox and organize them based on what kind of cyber security challenge I was working on.
The website was a simply Angular front-end that communicated with a Django back-end that had Django REST framework API endpoints that would allow for CRUD of database objects. I used bootstrap to style the website.
The plan was to add in user authentication and give people on the CTF team access to site so we could all share one local set of tools which would minimize the need for members to send or teach other members during time sensitive competitions.
© 2023 Matthew B Portfolio